PEP Fest
In-Kind Sponsors Needed!
Join us for PEP Fest by becoming an In-Kind Sponsor. Use this opportunity to promote your business by donating to the needs of PEP Fest. We are in need of services, supplies, decor, food or donate financially, some ideas are listed below. There are many sponsorship levels to choose from with lots of perks! Support District 65 students and their families and help ensure that every child in District 65 has equitable access to all the activities and programs that PTAs provide!
*PEP FEST will only work with your help! Can you lead a craft, game, teach a skill, contribute supplies, water, snacks, raffle items, your time, or be a sponsor? Community partners, businesses, PTAs, and students are encouraged to participate to help create community by the sharing of our talents and resources! Sign up to become an invaluable part of PEP Fest today!
In-Kind Sponsor Form
In-kind sponsors choose your level and type of service you can provide, using the “Sponsor Information” . Please fill out the form here, or you may print the forms and submit them via email at All forms must be submitted by TBD. We are expecting our participants to be in support of equity. Political campaigning will not be allowed.
*Add "n/a" if the field is not applicable