PTA Equity Project Nominating Process for Leadership Positions
(created 2020/2021 SY)
Creating the Nominating Committee
On or around the January meeting in each year, PEP will recruit volunteers for the nominating committee, which will recruit and screen people interested in taking on an open Leadership position.
The nominating committee shall have at least three (3) members. No two (2) members shall be from the same member local PTA unit.
Publicizing Open Leadership positions
On or around the January meeting each year, PEP shall announce:
the names of the nominating committee members; and
the process and timeline for people to express interest in taking on an open Leadership position.
Nominating Committee process
The nominating committee shall choose its own chairperson.
The nominating committee will recruit and screen potential candidates for open Leadership positions based on the descriptions of the open positions and consistent with PEP values of equity and inclusivity.
The nominating committee shall announce the list of nominees or or around the March meeting each year. The nominating committee shall present at least one (1) nominee for each open Leadership position.
PEP voting process
Each PTA unit participating in the PEP One Fund Initiative shall have one vote for each open Leadership position (regardless of the number of PEP representatives that PTA unit has). The PTA unit’s vote should represent a consensus of that PTA’s Executive Board and PEP Representatives.
Voting will take place on or around the April PEP meeting. Votes will be submitted on behalf of the PTA’s by their PEP Representatives. Votes will be for the slate presented by the nominating committee, unless there is more than one candidate for a particular Leadership position. In such an event, the contested Leadership position will be filled by the candidate receiving a majority of votes or succeeding in ranked-choice voting, as applicable.
Additional nominations may be made from the floor provided that the candidate submits a completed Statement of Interest for review by PEP Representatives at the time of nomination.
PTA Council Executive Committee Ratification of PEP Selected Co-Chairs
PEP is a standing committee of the PTA Council.
In compliance with PTA Council’s Bylaws, immediately after the vote is completed, PEP shall submit to the PTA Council Executive Committee the names or persons voted by PEP to fill the open Co-Chair positions, which the PTA Council Executive Committee shall ratify by PEP’s May meeting.
*All guidelines created by and used by the PTA Equity Project are working guides, that may change and evolve*